CopyRight Issues Page

Nostic is an app that recompiles information from varius sources to offer solutions on how to fix data trouble codes (DTC's) presented on your cars. This information is being display with the corresponding credits to their authors and a link redirecting to the source of the information. But if you are the owner of any of the content given in the app and want to remove or complaint about it, then you can read the following.

If you are the owner of any Information, Material, Dependency or Image currently being used in the Nostic app, and want it to be removed from it, you can then send us an email to "" with the following format:

* = Means that you have to leave that field as it is in the format

----- Without this information we'll not be able to remove any content from our App -----

Best regards from the Nostic Labs. team.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.